Magnolia Family Health Family Medicine |
Magnolia Family Health 925 Bishop Walsh Rd Ste 500 Cumberland, MD 21502 301-759-3800 |
Hospital information including name of the hospital, location of the hospital of and the accreditation status of the hospital is verified by Riverside Health at least every three years during the credentialing process. During this three year period hospital information can be updated at the request of the hospital. All self-reported updates from a hospital are verified by Riverside Health. For the most up-to-date information please contact the hospital directly or call Riverside Health.
It is important to know the accreditation status and quality data of the hospital you choose. Hospitals that have achieved accreditation by the Joint Commission are nationally recognized as providing the best possible care to patients. Hospital accreditation status is available to the public through the Joint Commission’s website. Hospital quality data can help you choose which hospital is best for you based on their performance in caring for patients with specific conditions. Hospital quality data is available to the public through the U.S. Government’s Hospital Compare service.
Practitioner Listings:
All information in Riverside Health’s Provider Directory including name, gender, medical specialty, hospital affiliation, medical group affiliation, board certification, office location, language spoken by the physician and/or clinical staff and acceptance of new patients is verified at least every three years during the credentialing process. Throughout this three year period practitioner information can be updated at the request of the practitioner. All self-reported updates are verified by Riverside Health. For the most up-to-date information please contact your medical provider directly or call Riverside Health. Real-time board certification information can be obtained using the
Certification Matters database provided by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
Provider Directory Field | Definition |
Medical Specialty | The type of care that a practitioner is trained to provide. |
Hospital Affiliation | The hospital(s) where a practitioner sends his or her patients for services more appropriately provided in a hospital setting. |
Medical Group Affiliation | A practitioner may work with other practitioners within a group practice. |
Board Certification | Practitioners who are board certified are nationally recognized as skilled within their chosen medical specialty. |
Accepting New Patients | Practitioners accepting new patients are willing to see new members even if they have not seen them previously. |
Languages Spoken by the Physician or Clinical Staff | Someone in the practitioner’s office is able to speak the listed languages.If someone within the practice besides physician speaks the language that individual will serve as a translator. |